Blog #1003 Love and Trust

For us love and forgiveness are gifts that we can give freely without condition in obedience to the Lord’s commandments. We give those gifts not based on the merit of the individual but out of a desire to be obedient to the Lord’s will. Conversely, there is no place in the scriptures where we are commanded to trust those that hurt us. Trust is not a gift that is granted freely without condition. Trust is earned. Even God does not trust until trust is earned.
Nephi the son of Heleman was one of the people in the scriptures who earned the Lord’s trust. In Heleman 10:3-10 the Lord tells Nephi that he has been observing his behavior and has determined that Nephi "will not ask contrary to God’s will". Because of this Nephi is granted great power. God desires to give all of His children all that He has but He does not do that until He knows that they "will not ask contrary to His will".
This can be a model for us that we can use in determining who we can trust. When we have proven someone over a period of time and know that they "will not ask contrary to our will" we can give them all we have to give. For example, with our children, when we know that a child "will not ask contrary to our will" then we can leave the younger children in their care. When we know a child "will not ask contrary to our will" then we can let them use the family car. When we know someone "will not ask contrary to our will" then we can share the deepest desires of our hearts or our personal resources. Remember that love and forgiveness can be freely granted as gifts regardless of merit but trust is earned.
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